Shivam Needs a Food Cart

Help Shivam get a food cart

Let’s reach his goal of $4,000, or higher!

I’ve known Shivam for over 6 years now. He’s an incredible human being with a loving and compassionate heart! Please help my friend in India become a business owner. You can help him and his family out of poverty! Watch the video below for more info, or read more about his story.

Follow Shivam’s journey with his blog

The Story:

In 2016 my wife Sue and I went to India. We spent a week in the mountains of Northern India visiting a meditation center named Brahma Kumaris. When we went to check in at the hotel, there was a young man in his late teens who just had amazing natural management skills. He was directing four things at once without a sweat. He was directing employees 3 times his age, and they hopped to without a second thought.

Mount Abu
Mount Abu

This kid is a beautiful spirit and has an amazing drive and curiosity for everything. Always optimistic and a great sense of humor. His name is Punno, but everyone calls him Shivam.

Shivam and I are still in touch today. I’ve seen his passage from working in a hotel, to working his way up to managing a store. Living in serious poverty,  I’ve also seen his passage to figure out how to provide for his parents and 7 brothers and sisters.

A couple of months ago, Shivam took a stand against the owners of the store. He needed to take some time off to deal with a health issue. They wouldn’t allow it, so he quit. 

When one door closes another one opens.

He wants to open a food cart that sells Momo’s. If you don’t know what they are, they’re Nepalese dumplings with  many different ingredients. His father’s side of the family comes from Nepal, and Shivam wants to bring his own unique version of the street food to his part of India.


Shivam has put a budget together, sourced the cart, ingredients, and found a chef from Nepal to help him cook. Name of his food business is “Go Momo’s”. His end goal is to have a chain of restaurants. And one thing I know about Shivam is, he’ll figure it out.

Food cart
Food Cart

He needs $4,000 to start his dream. If we raise even more, it’ll go towards getting his family out of poverty as well! I’ve really enjoyed working with him on making his business a reality. Please help us reach his goal.

Shivam’s family

Thank you!!!